

Established as a Lavender distillery in 2016, when Esseterre had to complete its first Lavender campaign, Unit 1 actually starts with distillation of Melissa. This was not accidentally, but mostly an experiment which indicated to dōTERRA that Esseterre is prepared to exceed the expectations.

Equipped with 12 distillation apparatus each 5.5m3 (made in Bulgaria), laboratory for oil analysis and quality control, young and enthusiastic team, Unit 1 succeeds in producing the necessary quantity of Melissa and Lavender oil for dōTERRA, and in 2017 and 2018 – fennel and coriander.

At the moment this Unit is distilling Lavender, Melissa and Summer Savory.


In the beginning of 2017, Unit 2 was built and started working with one section of five distillation units for producing Frankincense and another section of three distillation units for distilling the blue oils – Chamomile and Yarrow. In 2021 the capacity is increased with 2 new distillation stills with capacity 13m3.

The same year the experience with resin distillation increased with two other sorts of Frankincense – B.Papirifera and B.Frereana. In 2019, Unit 2 started producing Myrrh. For this purpose, Florentine vessels were built for heavy oils, which were an improved version of the models described in the technical literature. This was as a result of the close partnership between Esseterre and the distillation equipment company, Eurotex Inox.

The next successful step was the installation of Hawaiian Sandalwood distillation technology, which was achieved by the Esseterre team. Today this technology is used at dōTERRA’ s distillery in Hawaii. This unit is now a test distillery, where Esseterre develops its R&D with new raw materials.


Only three years after the first unit, Unit 3 was opened. The model of the unit is the same as Unit 1, but is even better equipped – 12 distilled apparatus each 5.5m3, with new automatic equipment, such as sensors and actuators. The main function of the modern equipment is to measure all parameters during the process of distillation and to answer all technological questions. Six of the apparatus are equipped with second condensers to switch faster between different crops during harvest seasons.

This unit is primarily used to distill Lavender and Savory.


The most important task for Esseterre is to produce consistently high-quality essential oil in response to dōTERRA’s specifications, international regulations, and industry standards. This goal means that quality control is of primary importance for Esseterre. Quality control is a must in each process during production – from receiving the raw material, to distillation time, and finally during storage of the final products. Quality control varies depending on the materials and the products, and aims to guarantee all technological methods and conditions to ensure that the essential oils meet all standards of appearance, aroma, and composition.

In this respect, since opening Unit 1, Esseterre created its own modern laboratory, which monitors the quality of oils and the final production. In April 2019, when the new administration building was opened, Esseterre provided a new and comfortable home for its laboratory team with new and efficient equipment.

Today, after its modest but quite intensive first four years, with experience in researching and analyzing essential oils from dōTERRA’ s large portfolio, Esseterre laboratory is non-officially recognized as a leader in the industry. An enthusiastic team of chemistry experts are employed here and are often invited to participate as partners for projects by scientific institutions from Bulgaria and the United States.


Esseterre is constantly investing in studies and research of new essential oil plants. The company has an experimental field where plants are grown in a natural environment. This is very important for the plants, because even small changes in the environment can change the chemistry of the essential oil. Tests are made in different periods during the plant growth to determine the best time for harvesting. The technology for their processing is developed by conducting systematic tests in laboratory and semi-industrial conditions. The chemical profiles of the obtained oils are studied and compared with the data reported in the scientific literature.


All of Esseterre’ s activities are conducted in relation with Bulgaria’s geography, landscape, climate, soil, water, air, ecology, and the balance between them all.

The main priority of the Esseterre is to keep the environment clean, while caring for the Earth, where essential oils come from.

Trying to minimize carbon emissions, Esseterre:

Uses natural gas as a main energy source for its production because it is the fuel with the lowest harmful emissions;
Uses modern equipment that have proven low environmental impact, ensuring both low fuel consumption and low emissions of harmful substances.

All Esseterre’ s employees are familiar with and committed to following the company’s policy for sustainable environmental development, both at work and at home with their families.

Esseterre follows the legal requirements for separate waste collection:

disposal for recycling and recovery of suitable waste;
transfer of hazardous waste for disposal.

The company is investing in the development and implementation of projects for:

wastewater treatment;
cooling water process;
utilization of waste materials from production;
cleaning, restoration and construction of new green areas in the regions in which it operates.

With its eco-policies and voluntary eco-initiatives, Esseterre strives to set a leading example and inspire other followers in the region in a responsible way of protecting the environment.