VI Annual Forum “Responsible Production and Trade”, organized by “Manager” magazine
Plamen Nikolov in his capacity of “Distilled in Bulgaria” Association Board member, took part in the VI Annual Forum “Responsible Production and Trade”, organized by “Manager” magazine on March 28, 2024. In his panel the discussion was held on the export capabilities of Bulgaria, the advantages of the Bulgarian production, the way for winning foreign markets and creating reputable brands.
Alongside with Plamen Nikolov were: Ilina Lilova – COO of “Ficosota”, Dragomir Kuzov – founder and CEO of DRAG Bicycles and Dr. Shteryo Nozharov – economics advisor to the Bulgarian Industrial Association.
Although different sectors were involved – from bicycles, through foods to essential oils, the participants shared the opinion that strengthening the export potential of the country requires enhanced communication regarding the quality of the Bulgarian products. Apart from the companies’ efforts, the Government should also take part by contributing and supporting the recognition of the national products and brands abroad.